Information Security Policy, Templates, and Examples


An information security policy plays an integral role in an organization’s data and process protection. 

From strengthening infrastructure, educating employees about cyber risks, mapping out incident responses, to maintaining an elevated security posture, there are many components to an information security policy template that businesses need and should know for maximum protection. 

To learn more about what is an information security policy, what should be included, examples, and more, continue reading this blog. 

What is an Information Security Policy?

An information security policy template is a set of rules or guidelines that govern how information technologies and their resources should be used, managed, and protected. For an organization, this includes all of its users, networks, and digitally stored information.

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10 Elements of a Sample Information Security Policy

The information security policy template for small business owners will vary from large businesses, but as a whole, it possesses many of the same security controls for dictating how information assets, data security, and security incidents are managed.

For instance, safeguarding sensitive data and computer systems, shoring up network security to prevent unauthorized access, and implementing a proactive incident response solution is fundamental to every information security policy

Additional elements that should be included in an information security policy template include:


Core Elements of an Information Security Policy


Define the policy’s purpose, which extends to:

  • Creating a holistic information security approach.
  • Detects and preempts information security breaches, like the misuse of applications, networks, computer systems, or data.
  • Ensure reputation remains intact, and all legal and ethical responsibilities are maintained.
  • Abide by customer rights, in addition to respecting customer rights for inquiries and non-compliance complaints.
Audience To whom an information security policy relates with, in addition to noting specific audiences outside policy scope (such as cross-departmental staff roles).
Information Security Objectives

Information security prioritizes the following objectives: 

  • Integrity – Data must remain accurate, complete, and fully intact while IT systems are kept functional.
  • Availability – The ability to access systems or information when needed.
  • Confidentiality – Only privileged user access accounts should access data and information assets.
Authority and Access Control Policy

Hierarchical Pattern – A comprehensive policy that outlines the varying levels of authority over data and IT systems for each organizational role. (For example, a senior manager as opposed to an intern).

Network Security Policy – User access to company networks is granted via demand authentication logins, including:

  • Tokens
  • ID cards
  • Biometrics
  • Passwords

Additionally, all systems should be monitored while a detailed record of all login attempts should be noted.

Data Classification, Support, and Operations

Classify Data into Categories

An information security policy should classify data and denote them to ensure sensitive information can only be accessed by approved individuals.

Data Support

For systems responsible for safe housing intellectual property and customer data, those systems must abide by organizational best practices and industry compliance standards, and often require adds-on like:

  • Encryption
  • Next-gen firewalls
  • Anti-malware protection

Follow industry best practices to encrypt data and securely store backup media. 

Failure to remain compliant can result in significant compliance fines. For example, in 2021, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) had fines exceeding $5.9 million.


Only use secure protocols to transfer data and ensure any information transmitted across a public network is encrypted.

Security Awareness and Encryption Policy

Conduct training on sensitive data classification, data protection measures, and access controls. 

Additional facets commonly covered include:

  • Clean Desk Policy – Shredding unneeded documents, maintaining clean printing stations, and securing laptops with locks. 
  • Social Engineering – Emphasize the dangers of social engineering attacks and ensure employees can spot, prevent, and report social engineering attacks before impact.
  • Acceptable Internet Usage Policy – Defines how Internet access should be restricted, such as: blocking social media or unwanted sites. 

Encryption policies help companies define when encryption is needed, the devices and media that must be encrypted, and minimum encryption standards.

Data Backup Policy

Plays a core role in overall data protection, disaster recovery, and business continuity while defining the procedures for making backup data copies. Additional elements of a data backup policy include: 

  • Backup frequency
  • Specifies data backup storage location
  • Identifies all information that requires backing 
  • Outlines backup process roles, like IT team members and backup IT administrators
Personnel Responsibilities Delegate staff to educate employees, review user access privileges, implement incident management protocols, and carry out periodic security policy updates.
System Hardening Benchmarks Reference and harden mission-critical systems with security benchmarks like the Center for Information Security (CIS) benchmarks
Regulations and Compliance An information security policy should clearly define regulations and data compliance standards that affect the organization. 

3 Information Security Policy Examples

A sample information security policy can strengthen a business’s sensitive data protection. While there are many types of information security policies, here are three information security policy examples that can be used to help meet security requirements:


Information Security Policy Templates

Acceptable Use Policy Maps out encryption algorithms requirements acceptable for use across an organization (ex: has been proven to work effectively or has received substantial public review).
Acceptable Encryption Policy Defines the acceptable use of computing services and equipment, along with enforcing appropriate employee security measures to protect an organization’s proprietary information and resources. 
Data Breach Response Policy

States the goals for the breach response process. 

Defines the definition of a breach, affected staff roles and responsibilities, and provides standards and metrics for reporting, remediation, and feedback mechanisms.

These are but a few of the common information security policies that most businesses need. For a complete run down, book a free security consultation with us today.


For more information related to information security, visit the following blogs:


Architect A Complete Information Security Policy With iTBlueprint

Information security policy examples will only get a business so far. 

For those reasons, many businesses often turn to MSPs for end-to-end information security policies. As a leading provider of IT services for over 18 years, iTBlueprint has the experience, tools, and resources required to overhaul your information security policy.

Having serviced more than 180 businesses, we understand what it takes to improve the information security of small, medium, and large businesses across multiple industry verticals. 

For a complete information security policy that is tailored to your needs, budget, and goals, contact us today for more information.

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